Our BIG move

This is my diary of our new life in New Zealand up to 2011 when we moved to QLD to be near our grandchildren...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Telling Work

Well I did it, I told the bosses about our PR, to say they were shocked was an understatement, but considering they were good about it.

I felt awful as Peter had just got back from Skiing and was a post holiday refreshed - so I poored cold water on his mood - but he was real good about it and said he understood - then promptly said he wished he could keep staff for more than a year!!

Kevin said that it was a bit of a shock, but understood, and said that it would be a place he'd emigrate to if he left the UK.

I had told the girls on Wednesday when Rob had rang to say the visas had arrived, and they dissapeared into another room!

I then made them all a coffee to get over the shock.

I am now frantically trying to get on top of the work I have in my in-tray for a leaving date of 31st of march.

I then have 6 wks to sort out the final preparations for Rachels wedding.

I willl miss my Job, as its been a good place to work for, they are fair, friendly and appreciate the work I have put in to the position.

I just hope I can find a good replacement - but thats another story......


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