July - sunshine
July 17th, the sun is shining so we went for a walk, the tide was in but that didn't stop us enjoying the views, or a spot of duck watching (well more like we disturbed them napping in the sun and they scaredbejeebers out of me)
We took our wellies (Gumboots to Kiwis) just in case.
Its amazing that it can be a hard frost when you wake up but that the suns beating down on your head by noon.
Rob is talking about getting some Kayaks to
get around on the MokoMoko river.
The water is clear, and we saw a flounder dart past the corner of our eye as we walked in the water.
This is the view of Omaui Hill in the back ground the white dot is Julies house.
Since we couldn't get too far around due to the depth we went to the beach too.
I would love to live at Omaui - shame the internet connection would be non existent, so unless I want to dissapear, its a none starter, but having this for your front view would be great.
There are a few sections for sale, I might see how much they are....watch this space.
The sun always sets on Omaui beach, and it would rise over the Moko Moko river.
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