Our BIG move

This is my diary of our new life in New Zealand up to 2011 when we moved to QLD to be near our grandchildren...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hong Kong for 6 hours...

Well we arrived in Hong Kong, ready for our 5 hr booked Shower and massage and complimentary food and drinks.....

It was WELL worth the £20 each.

the food was great, and the drinks were too, there were Leather huge squashy seats, magazines to read (marie Claire in chinese!) this is a pic of the lounge...

These pictures are out of the windows near the lounge, I couldnt believe the size of the buildings.

Plane Journey

When I booked the tickets, being e-tickets and aisa miles we could pre-book our seats, I did this for both journeys.

on the first leg the plane was quite empty so some lucky passengers could stretch out...not us thou...so poor Rob had me slouching over him...
My hip was a bit sore, but I managed thanks to some heat pads I bought from the Boots in the airport.
A good purchase as by the end of the flight i could still walk.

This is a picture from the window of the plane on the runway.

I watched ...Underworld, Underworld evolution, Fun with Dick and Jane, Narnia and CSI on the first leg....Rob fell asleep...lucky b!

the Journey begins .................

Well we set off to Heathrow Tuesday morning, I ordered a Passat, but we got a Vauxhall Zafira - ok but rob said it had no power, and we Just fitted all the luggage in the boot!

The Journey down to London was pretty easy, after discussing it with my dad we went the A1 route as the motorways were fairly chocker.

this is a pic taken 50 miles from London...

The Hotel we stayed in was the Holiday Inn on Junction 4 and the carpark consisted of ANY space available...grass verges you name it, so we just dropped of the bags and then we took the car back to the depot, the girl at Humberside said follow the signs for Terminal 4 and Cargo, we did then we saw the signs for the car hire and dropped it off, they had a courtesy bus that took us to the shuttle buses and then we caught the H1 shuttle to the hotel.

We ordered Room service and chilled (talked to the kids on Skype) we had the room till we needed to go to the airport....

The airport was all hustle and bustle, we had a snack....£16 for 2 sarnies 2 small salad bowls and 2 coffees...oh well we expected the horrendous prices!

The Last few days....

Its been a bit manic lately, what with getting everything ready (still yet to get the cases under 20kgs so got to have another go) going to dinner with family at night and with having to get the bridesmaids dresses finished too, its been a busy few days.

Last night was the probably the last time I will get to do any sewing, so its now up to my mum to finish the last bits (waistbands,zips and back fastenings for the tops) or they will have to post them to NZ for me to finish!!!

We have got loads of goodbye/good luck cards, a saint christopher - to help protect us on our travels... also an angel pin to guard over us...so I think we are definately covered!! and its only Sunday....

I am about to go for my last ride this morning, and the weather has graced me with full sunshine.....so I am going to get going before it changes!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Coles Naming Day

Well the 13th of May was our grandson Cole's Naming Day, I will not go into the reason it was a civil ceremony other than to say...no wonder the churches are in disrepair in our neighbourhood...the attitude that we got when we enquired about using the local church which is situated across the road from the hotel... was Victorian and cold to say the least....and I say no more!

So Rachel enquired at the registrars office, and they were more than happy to help. (Yay NE Lincs registrars office - Big praises for them)

the ceremony was brilliant, all the adults that will have an impact on Coles life, promised to help raise him into a good caring human being...that included grandparents and godparents.

The Room was nice at the hotel, and the meal afterwards was tasty, (we had a disco at night too)

Cole was an angel the whole day through....he slept through most of the cermony and also was kind enought to sleep while the adults were eating their lunches too..

I and Richards Brother Simon had poems to read out...Simon managed his ok, but I was choked up by the third line!

heres mine....
The Example of Parenthood.

There are little eyes upon you and they're watching night and day
There are little ears that quickly take in everything you say

There are little hands all eager to do everything you do

And a little boy who's dreaming of the day he'll be like you

Your the little fellow's idol, you the wisest of the wise

In his little mind about you no suspicions ever rise

Thers's a wide-eyed little fellow who believes yoy're always right

And his ears are always open and he watches day and night

You are setting an example every day in all you do

For the little boy who's waiting to grow up to be like you.

It was very emotional for me reading it, with us leaving in 2 weeks, but I was glad that Rachel chose me to read it.

Another of the poems that I really like is this one....

I hope my child looks back on today
and sees a parent who had time to play.
there will be years for cleaning and cooking
But children grow up when you're not looking.
So settle down, cobwebs; dust, go to sleep
I'm cuddling my baby, and babies don't keep.

And here are some pictures of the day.....

Rachel, me and Cole (fast asleep bless him)

My family...Rob,Rachel,Richard holding Cole, Jordon Me & Jason

The proud Great Grandparents.

The godparents

The proud parents, photo moment...............

and afterwards while we ate, Cole slept ...but he was rather hungry when he woke up.....

Cole liked the look of his daddys nose....ouch!

A very Nice day was had by all...


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

BBQ....oooh cold weather but we braved it!

Well we had a bbq, but after being nice all week the typical UK weather decided to take a turn for the worse!

We braved the chill in good old UK gusto....Just kept warm with coats and alcohol...

As you can see...Rob is a tough cookie and didn't sucumb to wearing a Jacket...or it could have been the flames keeping him warm!

the smart ones retreated to the house.....ebay and footy results...were more appealing to some!