Telling Work
I felt awful as Peter had just got back from Skiing and was a post holiday refreshed - so I poored cold water on his mood - but he was real good about it and said he understood - then promptly said he wished he could keep staff for more than a year!!
Kevin said that it was a bit of a shock, but understood, and said that it would be a place he'd emigrate to if he left the UK.
I had told the girls on Wednesday when Rob had rang to say the visas had arrived, and they dissapeared into another room!
I then made them all a coffee to get over the shock.
I am now frantically trying to get on top of the work I have in my in-tray for a leaving date of 31st of march.
I then have 6 wks to sort out the final preparations for Rachels wedding.
I willl miss my Job, as its been a good place to work for, they are fair, friendly and appreciate the work I have put in to the position.
I just hope I can find a good replacement - but thats another story......